Category: Waterwheel Microhydro
Waterwheel Microhydro P5, Waterwheel Installation
Waterwheel Microhydro P4, Waterwheel Construction
I don’t have much more to say, I’ve covered it all in the video.
Waterwheel Microhydro P3.1 Creek Tour
Waterwheel Microhydro P3, Flume Installation
Waterwheel Microhydro P2, Preparing the Flume
Waterwheel Microhydro P1, The Dam
This is the first part of my waterwheel series. In this video and subsequent videos I go over the construction of a dam, flume, waterwheel, and electrical system for my little microhydro scheme.
- Minimum Flow: 10 GPM
- Maximum Flow: 1000+ GPM
- Designed operating flow: ~50 GPM
- Designed water drop (head): 32″
- Desired wattage output at 12V: Peanuts, or somewhere between 5W and 20W continuous output.