I bought a steiner 430. I tried finding a manual online. No such luck. The Steiner Turf page where the manuals should be is still under construction at the time of this post after being bought by Doosan.

These are the PDF manuals I have found or have been sent to me so far, Use the manual that’s for your specific model and serial number. I can’t be held responsible for the use of any of the files either correctly or incorrectly. You will need a PDF viewer to view these files, I recommend Foxit:
If you don’t see it here then I don’t have it. Please don’t ask. Contact Steiner Turf for help getting the support you need.
If you have Steiner specific PDF manuals to add please send them to me at malovich@gmail.com
For additional parts diagrams and ordering you might try my preferred parts store, Messicks